Squealing with delight that this AR read released early. I quickly hopped on over to Amazon to snatch it up. Devouring it in less than a day, I find myself wanting to read it again and again. I stated in my review that this is up there as one of my most favorite reads of theirs. The depth of the characters in addition to the suspense made this read exciting and worth it.

One thing that made this read for me, is we fell in love with two couples throughout this story. We were able to watch their love grow and develop over the course of the story. The timeline flowed seamlessly and you didn’t feel rushed. While it is insta attraction, there is such depth to the characters that their love develops from a sizzling simmer. Definitely read the surprise they included because if you are like me, you’ll want to hunt them down at the end. The surprise made this tale complete.

So excited that this released early. I fell head over heels in love with this story!! There was suspense, love, friendship and so much more. Thank you ladies for adding the surprise because I might have tracked you down without it.
Maggie was so strong despite having to move a lot growing up. I think she was the glue that held the Major together for a long time. I thought it was cute how she was oblivious to things going on but she was fierce, loyal, strong and a great young female.
Eli is a young man that had a low blow in life. Major stepped in and became the Dad he never had. I enjoyed watching this relationship unfold and grow into a father son bond that will last a lifetime.
Major and Alice were a bonus. Loved the dynamics of their relationship.
This was by far my fave Alexa Riley read to date. I loved it so much I want to read it again and again.

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