Batter up is Robin’s second release. This stand alone novel was a fun read and I hope you enjoy it too. This is a very cute story that I found was full of heart and second chances. If you are in the market for a second chance romance, then check out this story.
This story goes back in time as well as covering the present time. Robin did a great job of making it flow and fit together. It was a puzzle piece that needed each section at the right moment and she delivered.
Etta is a fiery character that had you from the moment she spoke her first word. I found her relatable and genuine. I liked how her character grew from the past to the present, but Robin still left her with some insecurities to over come. This girl has a whole lot of heart too. She is selfless and compassionate, you can’t help but be rooting for her in this story.
Nathaniel, Nate, is the suave baseball player that captures hearts of women everywhere. That said, Robin made him wholesome with a strong heart, and real. The younger version of him in the story got me. He was hilarious in his internal dialogue, but he showed genuine concern, care, and awesomeness. How he was with Etta, just had me swooning from the beginning.
There are so many laughable moments, heart tugging ones, and just a lot of “oh no” that was said. You could see them grow from college age, to adults. How they take a second chance on things and put their hearts on the line.
I could not put this story down, and not speaking ill towards the author, but enjoyed this one more than the first. I think it shows the growth of her as a writer, and to me, it means I will have her on my to be watched list for upcoming releases.
Who doesn’t want a baseball player. Nathaniel is at the top of his game. However when life comes crashing down, he will have to decide if he can get a second chance to bat. He has a heart that’s been crushed and a soul that beats for only one person. When the chance comes for him to make a choice from the heart, he has to decide if he’s up for the challenge.
Nathaniel has a long history of regrets but none greater than Etta. The author really made you feel for this man. She captured so much emotionally with him and you felt for him throughout the whole story.
Etta has this history that unfolds as we read. I loved her personality and how she worked hard to overcome so much. Her personality is genuine and her heart is so big. Reading her overcoming her fears was touching in a way I can’t describe.
There were so many second chances in this story. I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed this read. I could not put this story down and thoroughly enjoyed all that Robin packed into it. What each overcame as individuals and a couple was heart-felt. This story was refreshing for me with the romance, heart, love, happiness, and all the moments in between.
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