I feel like if I wrote too much in my review I would have really spoiled it. I did not want to do that to this story at all. I first found L. Wilder with Summer Storm. I quickly devoured everything she released after that to the point I was all caught up and newsletter stalking to find out the next release. I think I’ve read her Devil’s Chaser boxed set over 10 times. It is a series that I just enjoyed coming home to and snuggling up to read again and again. L. Wilder is definitely on my author to meet list one day. I’ve also listened to Maverick on Audible and let me tell you, that narrator was fantastic and he gave great dialogue to a favorite story. This was my first audible and well worth it to listen.


Josie’s personality was one I found myself relating to. She is quirky and smart. I loved the computer side of it (having a Masters in Computer Forensics myself). When I can geek out over computers and read a killer story, it’s just my idea of a good time. Big never thought that sweet little thing could pack such a punch but she did. Man I could just picture everyone ragging on Big about a girl giving him the slip. I’m HOPING that with this story it means there will be one for Nitro because I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to know his back story.

This story! I can’t even put into words. I don’t want to spoil anything with it but if you love Satan’s Fury you will enjoy Big Mike’s turn at some love.
Josie is a firecracker and so smart. How she throws a loop for Big was unlike anything else. She is tough as nails too!!! Man the author had my heart in my throat a good portion of this story. Stitch – oh man if I could’ve had his pov after that night. Sigh 😫😱😳
Big Mike was a character whose past you just felt for. What he did in the end to get some retribution was sweet sweet revenge. My heart hurt for him not thinking he was worthy of an ol’ lady and Josie.
Nitro!!!! So glad to have him back after the craziness but wow I need his story. We got such a glimpse of him that it was unreal. I know there is a story there.
It was great to catch up with the other club members and their ol’ ladies as well.
Another fantastic read by this author. Can’t wait for the next in the series.

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