
Jumping way out of the normal for me this is a Male/Male erotic read. I know it might not be for all of my followers, but if you are intrigued, I say go for it. I wrote my review and after I did, realized there was so much more to comment on and about. Luckily I can...

Love’s inTense

If you were here for yesterday’s post, then you know how I found Deborah and that I love her stories. She has the drama but humanity in it. You feel like if you went to New York, you would be able to track down each and every character in her stories, they are that...

Tense for love

I’m a big Deborah Bladon fan. I first found her thanks to a fave author, Layla Delaney. She was reading one of Deborah’s earlier stories and I inquired who she was reading and how the story was. Well many rabbit holes later, I have read every single story she has out...

Memories of Me

I had to sit on this one for a bit. Dani Hart wrote a hell of a story. I’m not even sure how to write this blog post without revealing anything. Some of why I had to sit on it was all the drama to sort through. It was suspenseful and I had a ton of questions. Most of...

The Power Play

Now this is just my opinion but I feel like Zoey Ellis is going to be an author that will be a force in the paranormal romance reads. Her stories are exceptional and I cannot put them down. She draws you in from the beginning and won’t release her hold on you until...

Close the Tab Release Blitz & Review

  Title: Close the Tab Series: Devil’s Due MC #3 Author: Chelsea Camaron Genre: MC Romance Release Date: May 30, 2017 Cover: Cover Me Darling AVAILABLE NOW SYNOPSIS The system created to serve and protect failed him. The domino effect of one person’s crime...