Rough but Smooth

Well can you tell Chelsea is a fave of mine. I just can’t seem to quit reading her stories…not that I’d want to anyway. I’m not sure what took me so long to read these, as they’ve been out for a while, but I finally took the plunge. I...

Home the long way

I haven’t had a chance to discuss this series yet and if you haven’t met L. Wilder and the Devil Chaser’s MC or the Satan’s Fury MC, then you are MISSING OUT! This is the newest in line for the Devil Chaser’s. I loved every minute of...

Try the sheets

Well this is a new author for me and I have a feeling I’m going to devour her short stories. I found her stories very easy to read and follow along. It was a nice break and I finished the story in about 45 minutes. Needless to say I will be checking out some of...


Because in all honestly how can you not want to scream that book title LOL. While there were times I did want to scream that in this short story it was definitely at the unsavory female Greer was tied to. This was a short story and I finished it in less than an hour....

Ruthless Love

Ryan and Chelsea are two of my fave authors. I found them on a whim and have tried to devour all that they have written. If you haven’t read them before check them out! This is a new collaboration between the two and it is a great series so far. This is the...

Love shamed

So the first in a four part novella series by Ryan and Chelsea. If you haven’t checked them out for their other works, click on the links below to grab some of their stories. They have too many stories to list, and I can’t begin to type what I’ve...