Ryan’s next book in this series is LIVE! WOW, what a ride Ryan took us on. We are back in Rebellion, Alabama with Ravage! Picking up where the trilogy of Crow and Rylynn left off, we are immediately consumed by Wrong Way and Hayden. This one may be short because like the other stories Ryan writes, it would be horrible to ruin it for readers by giving to much away.

coding-1841550_640.jpgWrong Way is a brother of Ravage. It’s his only family aside from his grandma and brother. The past Wrong Way overcomes and manages to find a home will have you falling in love with this character. Ryan wrote a flawed man, who when faced with the toughest decisions in his life to date, will have you screaming and cheering at the same time.

Hayden is unique and badass in her own way. She is unique and nothing like Rylynn, but that is PERFECT! I wouldn’t want her to be the same. That said, this woman is FIERCE! She is strong, compassionate, and loyal to the core. Everything you need to make it as a Ravage old lady. I can not express enough how much I loved her as a character. I wanted more and more of Hayden.

blood-1715010_640.jpgAbout halfway through the story, there was a curveball and I was like WTF Ryan! She hit a ball in left field and I had to flip the pages and read faster than the Flash to catch up with where this went. She kept me on my toes and I know as a new chapter, yet MC read, it’s not always an easy feat. Ryan delivered. She made this story unique to the characters and original. It was riveting, engaging, powerful, moving, and action-packed.

This story had a fantastic flow. The beginning grabbed you, middle kept you turning pages and ending left you happy but yearning and craving for more. This story grabs 5 pointe shoes from me. I highly recommend this story and even more, I recommend this ENTIRE SERIES! From the very first moment Ravage began up to now. Trust me. It is worth the ride.

5 Star

Grab the book:
Kindle ➜ https://amzn.to/2Ur7hgI
iBooks ➜ https://apple.co/2WL5hNH
Nook ➜ http://bit.ly/2uJmcUY
Kobo ➜ http://bit.ly/2UgfyVc
Google Play ➜ http://bit.ly/2IbAvK2
Goodreads ➜ https://bit.ly/2FSVlfr

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