This is Ryan Michele’s newest release and HOLY GUACAMOLE!!! The second generation of Ravage blew me away and I thought it couldn’t get any better, well Connected in Pain just continues on. This story picks up where Bound by Wreckage left off. However, this story introduces a whole mess of new characters as we meet the Ravage MC: Rebellion Chapter.

Rylynn is Ravage through and through. The woman is tough as nails and the female version of her father Rhys. She is scary and not afraid to lay it all out there. I think she could give Princess a run for her money. I loved learning more about her. Ryan kind of kept her in the other stories, but not fully disclosing all that is Rylynn. She is fierce, loyal, strong, and powerful. There were moments that broke up the heaviness of conversations and interactions that had me chuckling. Rylynn had a sense of humor that was all her own and it suits her to a T. I don’t know that she could have been written any other way because the Rylynn we get to see in this story just blossoms from all the appearances she’s had in the last ones. She has a lot that she is dealing with and I thought Ryan did a phenomenal job giving each layer of Rylynn justice. She didn’t shortchange any resolutions at all and you could tell really wanted to write Rylynn in a way that gave justice to her. (Probably so Rhys wouldn’t torment her in her sleep LOL.)


Crow is Ravage MC: Rebellion Chapter. It’s what he lives and breathes and all he’s known in his life. Much like Rylynn, he is proud of his club and where he comes from. When Rylynn crashes in his life, she becomes this balm to his every swirling storm. Ryan introduces us to Crow and you will hit the ground running hard and fast. She takes you on a powerful ride that will have you feeling everything! I really liked how he was written and all we got to learn about him. He is a great character that has moments with Rylynn causing me to laugh but also see how grounded he can be with her. That diner scene had me chuckling and I couldn’t wait to see if they were going to kill each other or… do something else.


We meet the rest of the Rebellion MC in this story and I can see that I am going to enjoy this new chapter just as much as the old. It doesn’t matter which chapter of Ravage it is, Ryan delivers on everything showing that the Ravage bond is present in every club with their name. Some of the key characters we get to meet only add to the awesomeness of this story. Brewer, Wrong Way and Phoenix are just some that you meet. They all help Crow and show that Ravage MC: Rebellion is family. We get to see some of the original chapter of Ravage and they fit perfectly into the story of Rylynn and Crow. It’s always great when you can return to what you know but I’m excited to see where this new series will go.

Overall the story was written well and flowed. There wasn’t any downtime that made the book feel like it was dragging. The plot and arc of the story were planned and thought out in a way that didn’t leave you confused. It built on an amazing ending in the Bound series and I feel it will only continue to grow from there. I’m giving it 5 pointe shoes as it had everything I wanted in a story and then some.

5 Star

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