Charlene is back and bring us the elves now. I was so happy that she gave Keto a story. If you have been with her since the beginning, you will know this falls in with the series Chosen by the Vampire Kings, The Bride Hunt, and The Program.
Keto is prince to the elves. He will one day take over the throne, that day is coming faster than he anticipated. When we first met Keto, I thought he was an ass. Not going to lie, he was arrogant and pig-headed. I couldn’t wait for the day that he would meet a woman who would bring him to his knees.
Charlotte is the vampire who has had a rough go at things. She has this quiet strength that I admire. She also is one who would sacrifice it all for those she loves. When Keto comes into her life, she’s not sure what to do. Watching her overcome her self-doubt of her worthiness was a cheering moment for me.
Esral and so many of the characters we met in previous stories are back. I really enjoyed the plot and overall story of this book. The troubles were different, which at some point you think would be repetitive but this one was new and tugged at the heart-strings.

Charlene did it again for me. I could not put this book down. Since reading her first story and flying through the rest, I have been itching for Keto’s tale of love. It did not disappoint at all.
What I liked:
I really liked that Keto got knocked down a peg. He changed, for the better as the story moved along. We got to see more of his heart and how he truly cared about those he loved. When he met Charlotte he struggled. Watching him fight himself, and then fight for himself was icing on the cake.
Charlotte was a fave person of mine. She fought to overcome her doubts of self-worth. She showed that she had so much pride, honor, compassion, and heart with doing the right thing.
Esral was back with Xavier and I liked that we got to see what was going on with them. It added to the story to see how Keto and Charlotte acted with them both.
The plot was great for me. The storyline and how played out I really enjoyed. It was different from others and gave me warm squishy feels. If you are a paranormal romance fan, then I recommend this story for sure.

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