So it’s one of my fave authors again. Layla has a new read out that released earlier this month. If you haven’t hopped on over to check her out….DO IT….😉. This is a standalone novel and was an enjoyable read. She covered the plots, subplots, and tied up all the loose ends nicely. I still want more of Andy and Julie. It was a total swoon worthy story of two adults (over 40) who find their love.

Well this one was different from the others this author had written. It had (IMO) more dark suspense than her previous works. It kept me engrossed as I wanted to find the resolution of the two leads. I also liked that this story was more of an older aged couple. The reality of what they did in the story felt very realistic.
Andrew is such a gentleman. They don’t write them better than him. As he quoted Sinatra, the best was definitely yet to come for him. He had some memorable lines that would make any girl swoon while reading.
Julie had such fire and spirit. She struggled in this story and the author (again IMO) covered the turmoil beautifully. She did an excellent job of touching the emotional, mental, and physical obstacles that were tackled in this story.
If you’ve never read Layla before I would highly suggest you check her out. This is a great book to start with to get a taste of her. It got 5 ⭐️’s from me because she kept me turning the page, craving more, and closed plots in a realistic way/time frame.

If you haven’t met Layla, do so here:

Grab the book here: