I read this a while ago and now after coming back to write my post, I realize the chills I get. The title pretty much sums up the entire story. It will shatter you. This coming of age, YA story captures life and it’s essence perfectly. I don’t know if I’ve read a more moving story about life and what happens when those close leave us all too soon.
While I didn’t cry, I was shocked speechless, in a good way, with the impact this story has. I just recommended it and would even have my son, when older, pick it up. Life Lesson from this story: fight for your happiness, never settle, and give love freely it’s infinite.
Katie is the best friend everyone wants to have. She supports and loves Jovie. She also brings out the best in her. I felt like Katie had this epic plan. While I didn’t cry, there were some teary-eyed moments, the shoe box memories….yeah, that go me.
Jovie suffers a tragedy that alters her life forever. She suffers from depression and heartbreak. The new reality she is living in shows her a new lease on life. I don’t know if I can put into words how much I loved this story and Jovie. The author captured the feelings and healing beautifully. Jovie is one my all-time favorite young adult characters.
River just walked in a whole mess of greatness. This young man is unique, strong, vulnerable, and loveable. How he and Jovie heal each other, is beautiful to read about. he overcame a lot and his bond with Katie made it a beautiful story. While shattering my heart for him, I also fell in love with all the author did.
This story also has a strong family bond. It was great to see. I can’t put into words how fabulous this story was. it is very well written and the plot flowed. I kept turning the pages as quickly as I could. This story covered so many emotions. You could feel the happiness, heartbreak, sadness, and joy. The secrets that were revealed were exciting to watch as they unfolded. This story also had the humor to go with the tragedy. K.B. wove it like a finely crafted dance. No stone was left to be discovered. Like every great performance, the only thing you wan
ted at the end was another curtain call.
Their road trip to the rest of their life both Jovie and River brought out the best in each other. They fought to overcome insurmountable grief to find joy in life once more.
I highly recommend this story. It had everything I want in a story. This blogger gives it 5 Pointe Shoes and a curtain call. MUST READ!!
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Books2Read (Kobo & Nook): https://www.books2read.com/u/4jw9av
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