This is the second book in Winter’s Devils Knight series. I enjoyed it more than the first. It brings back all your fave characters and follows Cyn and Rigid as they overcome so much. Sometimes I read stories and I’m like why do they act so young? Then I remember I’m old and when I was that age, I probably had some brainless moments. LOL. I mainly found myself irked with the lack of communication. It drives me nuts.

Cyn is recovering from being beaten almost to death. I liked her personality overall. She was a young woman who was determined to rise above the abuse. I also liked that her journey to healing wasn’t over just when she got better. Winter wrote it beautifully to show you don’t heal overnight. There are some things I want more on, but I have a feeling I have to wait as the story continues to the next one.


Rigid finally figured Cyn was what he wanted. He definitely had some pigheaded moments that made you want to scream. He also had some genuine moments where his heart was on his sleeve. That bathroom scene where you could feel his desperation for her was heart-wrenching. He wanted to battle her demons and defeat them.


The club has its own tension that builds in this story. I like how Winter has made it tie in with the story. She definitely kept you guessing on some parts.

All of our favorites are back in this story. I enjoyed how the first story flowed into the second. While we are focusing on different main characters now, we aren’t left feeling like we missed anything on previous issues. this makes the world Winter created feel right. You can picture being there. Overall I found this one enjoyable and felt it flowed better than the first. Pieces of the bigger picture are being put together with the MC. I am invested in this series and cannot wait to read everyone’s HEA.

5 Star

I am going to give this one 5 Point Shoes. I would read it again and recommend it to a friend.

Grab the book here.

Find out all things Winter Travers here.