I am a HUGE MJ fan. If I can stalk her to a signing to meet her I’d be all over it. She is funny, witty, and an author that puts her soul into every one of her stories. You can feel the heart bleeding into it as you read her works. I am still WAY behind the Legacy series and really need to read that one day. I have it on the TBR, why does work have to interfere LOL.
So I missed the memo that Falcon’s Landing was the first 8 chapters of Hammered. If you missed that memo like me and are reading this before buying the book, skip to chapter 9. It picks up right where Falcon’s Landing left off and you won’t be lost. I was kind of bummed that I didn’t realize that.
Phoenix is a new grad that is looking to have some time off before deciding her future. I hope we see more of her in this series because I really do want to know what she has planned. I felt that was a big deal for her and something important so I was a little disappointed we didn’t find out more of her plans. It was like she got the D and forgot all about them in the end. She did realize that family is everything even if they aren’t blood and she will be an amazing person for Brand.
Gage reminded me some of the men in Ties of Steel. He had this dark brooding side and you could see it peeking out now and then. Some of the ways he treated Phoenix had me on edge, but overall he stepped up to the plate to be an honorable man that we knew he was.
Mags is the best ‘Mom’ character for this series. How she treats the boys, Brand, and Phoenix makes you want to reach through the pages and talk with her. She isn’t ashamed to give Gage or the other Falcon boys what for. Nor is she scared of their Mom.
All of the Steel men come for a visit in this series and it adds a snippet of humor that you can’t ignore. I found it refreshing to see them and their families again.

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It’s time to get hammered by Gage. Overall this was a good story but I was left wanting some conclusion for Phoenix. I felt that important parts to her character were left open. She did step into a role of being there for Gage, Brand, and Mags in a way that showed maturity and wisdom beyond her years. There is always some struggle that happened in the past for them to overcome and Phoenix’s fit perfectly for her character. The main focus of this story is the past, present, and future struggles Gage has to fight. There are so many demons that I did not expect to come forth as we progressed. MJ kept me on my toes and guessing with a lot.
This is not your family like the Men of Steel. That said, it was PERFECT for this new series. I don’t want everyone to have the same upbringing. It is what made this more realistic as a romance read.
While I felt like something was missing for me, I still would recommend this to friends and anyone that is an MJ fan. It is well written and a majority of the plot points are closed up. Hopefully in the next story we will get more closure and updates on Phoenix and Gage.

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