I love when I can review a preteen read. This book is amazing. I would recommend it to every parent of a 10-14-year-old. This story is one I hope Little Man will read when he is older.
There are so many teachable moments and life lessons in this book. It moved me and was written in a way to capture readers of any age. There are swear words but let’s face it, any kid in preteenage has probably heard them. However, it was not excessive and played a point in the morals of the story.
Jake is a boy in middle school with a lot on his plate and mind. He has these feelings and isn’t sure how to cope. This story takes him on a journey that has him growing up and tackling his obstacles with grace and wisdom. During his struggles, he begins to walk in his dreams. Controlling them and manipulating them to his advantage. Only he finds avoidance isn’t the answer and manipulation only leads to bigger issues.
This story also covers when Jake is awake. I loved how well the author captured the family dynamics and friendships. The tweenage is hard. The author shows just how much actions of others and grief can wreak havoc. I think the most beautiful part was at the end when Jake began to heal. He let it all out but also learned its ok to lean on people.
One life lesson I felt stood out is not everyone is going to like you. They may hate you for no reason. How you act and react is what is important.
I read this adventure in a day and would read it again. the emotions, imagery, and story will capture your heart and soul. This blogger gives it 5 point shoes and recommends it for tweens and adults.