I have been meaning to do this since October, so that should tell you something. If you have been following me, you know my posts have dwindled a bit this year. Honestly, when I thought 2017 was not my year, 2018 hasn’t been it either. Not to say I haven’t had some amazingly wonderful moments and times this year, but I have taken on way more than I could chew, swallow, and digest. My girlfriend and I were talking, she had turned something down because she said she couldn’t pour from an empty cup. I’m sure we all can relate.

I’m a Pisces and by nature we are kind, giving, and thinking of others and wanting to do things for them. I’m whimsical and often times just enjoy the solace of being me. I tell people I’m an awkward introverted extrovert. It’s true because I often times don’t know how to act or what to say to get people to understand what I mean. I also like just being a homebody. I’ve never been one to go out for the sake of going out or any of that. if I wasn’t dancing growing up, I was home. That very much carried over into adulthood. The quiet moments of stillness alone with a cup of tea ground me almost as much as dancing ballet.


So why all this rambling. Because I am having to learn to say no. Learn to self-care, and know that me being a priority to myself isn’t selfish and wrong. That if I put myself first, I’m going to be a better wife, mother, blogger, reader, ballet dancer, worker, daughter… see that list goes on and on.

If I owe you a review, it is coming I promise you. One thing I do take pride in is when I agree to something, I will follow through. That said, I am probably WAY beyond late on getting it to you and for that, I am truly sorry. I will definitely share your story as soon as possible. I’ve recruited help in typing my reviews (my awesome Mom), so all I have to do is paste them since I hand write them all.

If I owe you a response to an email. It is coming. My goal is to get to them tonight. I will try to get to them all but will start with the oldest first.


I know everyone understands that life just happens. We’ve had a lot this year and more recently lost an officer at my husband’s department in the line of duty. We haven’t had that happen in 19 years. It’s been a surreal way to end the year. Time has been spent more with little man and the hubs.

There were many other irons I had in the fire and honestly those have fallen too. I am taking this time to reorganize and prioritize what I’ve got to get done.

Starting in 2019 I am not accepting any new ARC’s at all until I catch up. I haven’t purchased a book for me to read in over 6 months I’ve been playing catch up that much.

Proofreading, I am booking them still but am only accepting one maybe two a month depending on word count. Some I have already agreed upon proofreading and will honor that agreement.

I’ve had to do this because an opportunity I had come available at the beginning of this year I let slip. I have dropped the ball on it and while initially, it was lack of communication, it turned in to me just shutting down and forgetting for months because of all that was happening. I really wanted to be a part of this and I know I have to either evaluate if I can honestly make it work or step back. I owe more of an apology with that task than anything else. I also have a website I maintain that I’ve let slack, another I built and have stumbled to keep up with. Not to mention that “me” time I need. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve been able to dance, run, or just be me. I want and need to do those to bring balance to my soul. Throw in making time for my marriage and son, which are a priority, you can see the cup is getting empty.

If you’ve made it to here, I thank you for reading. I think we all need to remember that it’s okay to say no and do things because you love them. I started this blog because I love reading, and I love finding new authors. I continued it because I really enjoy doing this. I hope that you will stick around and keep following as I promise to bring you reviews on all the books. I will be having my yearly read list update as well as my top 8. There is a debut author on that list and if you haven’t read her (Kristen Granata) you should. She writes about the realness of life. HOLY COW I think I highlighted her entire second book for the quotes and things that stuck with me as life-altering.

I am also going to be at the Author’s and Dancer’s Against Cancer signing in March. I hope that you will come because there are great authors to meet. I will be there in my signature tutu so be sure to come to get a picture with me. Find out all the fantastic details below.


That’s all for now. Thanks for being awesome followers, patient while reading, understanding and accepting. Have a fabulous day!


Peace out girl scouts