So the first in a four part novella series by Ryan and Chelsea. If you haven’t checked them out for their other works, click on the links below to grab some of their stories. They have too many stories to list, and I can’t begin to type what I’ve loved about them all. So with this being a Novella series, I go in with the mind set that it won’t be near as in depth as a full length story. I have been knocking out these reads in about 2 hours. While it is shorter than others they did not disappoint in providing a good foundation for the backstory of the H/h.
I was so happy to see these two back at collaborating. Ryan and Chelsea are two fave authors that result in auto one clicks for me. This Novella is the first of four in this series and it was a great short read. I didn’t want it to end and to me that and other points made it a 5 star for me.
So as unicorns poof glitter and make fairytales true you will enjoy this love that reunites and is stronger than before.
Kenderly – is a great female to lead off the series. She has such strong points that make her a great companion for DJ. There is so much that she has had to shoulder that when he storms back in, I love how she doesn’t trust having someone else. She is jaded but not in a way that makes you hate her. You genuinely feel for her as she struggles to keep the depression she is surrounded by from sucking her down into a hole and swallowing her light. She is a fighter and that spirit brings out a spirit in her that DJ can’t deny.
Dixon (DJ) finally gets to man up. I HATE what he did to cause all their issues. It was so silly and trivial but stepping in the mind of a teenage boy…you get it. They don’t do things rationally at that age lol.
Her Mom and Aunt Ruth just added to the big squishy feels and I was so happy to see how the authors had them overcome their own obstacles. While a quick story, they didn’t shirk on the truth of getting better. They also moved the timeline in a realistic way so it wasn’t like they all had unicorns and sunshine immediately.
A great story that you should add to your TBR list.
Stalk the authors here:
Grab the book here: