Where to begin… I don’t even know. Megan was one of the authors on my to meet list. That became a reality in July when I went to MMM. It was so amazing to meet her and she is a super nice person. It has been a few years since I found Cole, and then read all of her stories. One thing I find with her books is that I can read them over and over again and it feels like the first time…everytime. I get excited, nervous, and fist pump in my head…now that I am completely sidetracked 🙂 check out the Ride Series (Cole, Sal, Axel, Ryker, and Cal) then Talon Security (Crave, Claim, and Collide). A note read Talon Security after Ryker.
Max is the next generation. You first meet him in Cal’s story. Megan picked the perfect kid from the originals to start this series off with. You don’t have to read the others to understand this story, but I recommend you do. Even when we first met him, you knew he was going to be powerful and make a lasting impression on you. Max had this strength and weight on his shoulders. When that weight gets too heavy, he must work to lessen the load. Share and let someone in. He wants that someone to be Wren. He sabotages himself and wastes so much time and energy in his head. Max is a calculated deep thinker. I really enjoyed how Megan portrayed Max as an adult. I don’t want to spoil, but I think he is my favorite character by her.
Wren is what I would expect the daughter of Kat and Sal to be like. She is strong willed, sharp and a tack, and has a heart full of love. Wren knows what she wants professionally and personally. When hopes of her personal wants are dashed, she is left forging ahead. I liked how Wren grew in this story. I felt she couldn’t be honest with Max as first. Once she admitted it all to him it was his turn to wake up.
The threat to Wren was obvious to me, but Megan kept it different and exciting. She kept you guessing on when the shoe would drop. When it did I didn’t expect what happened to happen. I know that’s confusing, but didn’t want to spoil. LOL.
The originals are all present and it is awesome reading the dynamics and visiting with these characters again. Sal and Kat were my fave in the original series. Watching their interaction with Max had me fist pumping and laughing. the relationship Cole and Max had was captured well within these pages. I liked how they had this brotherly bond. Even some characters you didn’t expect to see make an appearance. That was shocking, to say the least.
Overall, I could not put this story down. I didn’t have any expectations but this went above and beyond anything I could have hoped for in the second generation. I cannot wait to see where she takes this story. 5 pointe shoes because as I write this I want to go back and read ALL of Megan’s stories again.
Grab the book:
Amazon: http://a.co/d/fYjjrgx
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/max/id1413435025?mt=11
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/max-77
Find all things Megan here:
Website: https://www.meganobrienbooks.com
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7875736.Megan_O_Brien