This is Robin Leaf’s newest release and what can I say except you have to read this story. The humor and feel good feelings in this story had me devouring it in an evening. This was one that just had it all and I didn’t want to put it down. Technically this is the fourth book in her Up series, but you can read this as your first book. Robin has a fantastic way of writing these stories as a standalone, but weaving each one together so they overlap and interconnect. By doing this, we get to see different points of view of some major events throughout the series. Saying that you won’t be lost though if you don’t read them in order.
Kaelyn is a young girl in her twenties. Her main focus in life, don’t get publically humiliated… again, and have her father’s approval. Her journey in this story leads her to be true and honest with herself. Somewhere along the way love tries to sneak its way in, only Kaelyn doesn’t want it. From the first moment the plane takes off, until the final pages of the book, we really see the person Kaelyn is and how much she cares about her family. She has a huge heart and is genuinly kind. Her last name, past, and father’s business lead to a lot of people assuming things about her. Robin wrote such a thick skinned, but completely sweet character in Kaelyn. She isn’t jaded even when people lash out to her.
Brody has this huge heart, just as big as Kaelyn’s, and perfect plan. He knows that the rest of his life is completely planned out. He can picture it all until the beautiful siren opens her mouth on the plane and GETS him. He’s never had such an instant connection and she is the perfect girl for him… except he’s taken. When goodbye feels like so much more, he resignes himself that the beauty will stay a mystery. Brody sprials out of control after that day and all he can think about is the woman who he wants as his. I really enjoyed how Brody was written. His actions, reactions, and just comments had me laughing as well as feeling for the guy. Mostly it was laughing. There were some moments where I wanted to kick him where it counts as he acted like a complete jerk.
There were some new characters in this story that didn’t play a huge role, but added to the wellroundedness of the tale. The humor, snark, wit, heart, and everything in between kept me drawn into the pages seeking the resolution. All of our old favorites make an appearance and have you soaking up the interactions. I loved seeing the bonds continue to grow and strengthen especially as Kaelyn went on her journey. Her bother and she grew in this story and I enjoyed their relationship that they have. Kaelyn’s mother is a HOOT! I loved how Robin wrote that character. She is a great rock for Kaelyn when things go sideways.
This story was an enjoyable read. It wasn’t heavy or full of drama that seemed over the top. It had a lot of humor and issues for each of the main characters to resolve. The banter back and forth is some of the best I’ve read. Especially that airplane scene. Robin made Brody’s midlife crisis feel believable. The plot and arc of the story was done very well. There was one point that I was left hanging for a couple of chapters which had me wondering what would happen, but Robin fit it in the story exactly where it should be.
I give this story five flying high pointe shoes. It had it all for me, humor, heart, overcoming life issues, and a fun resolution. I can’t wait to see what Robin writes next and definitely recommend this book to readers and followers.
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