Bravo Lauren on a beautiful story not just about love but about the journey of life and two souls fusing together in harmony. I’m trying to put together all that I felt while reading this story. I’ve enjoyed all the stories of the Morgan clan, but I think Rockstar is my favorite. I definitely had a wide range of emotions. I was angry, livid, pissed, happy, elated, joyous, sad, remorseful, and ecstatic! Plus probably a thousand others!

Dax is the baby and I think it’s pretty fitting that his book comes at the tail of the Morgan fam. Seeing his personality come to life in his own standalone story has me at a loss for words. I had moments where I was proud of him, and then moments where I was so disappointed in him. I loved that. He wasn’t a one-dimensional character. He was multifaceted and human. Lauren captures how tortured he was at each pivotal moment in his life. I think once he stood solid on the Morgan fam foundation I truly felt like he was a Rockstar. Not going to lie for me personally there were moments that I really didn’t like him and thought there was a lot of penis logic that went into his actions.
Violet found herself. One of my most favorite lines was a Momma Lou great she said to Violet at the end. It sucker punched me and hit me full force. Momma Lou, even though fictional, gives great advice to those open to hear it. Back to Violet, she found herself but so much more on this journey. I think she is one of my all time fave female characters on how she stumbles, fails, falls, and rises up above the ashes into a beautiful flame and woman. She has such wisdom beyond her years that I can’t even put into words what I liked about her. Out of all the females, Lauren has written, Violet definitely is up there top ranking.

Momma Lou and Thomas are solid gold. I relished the quiet moments we got with Thomas. How touching and genuine they were. It melted my frosty hearty to a gooey center. Momma Lou is still the best book Mom I’ve ever read. She is loyal, full of love, and gives nothing but unconditional support to her circle.

57422053_2336625066573361_1105356030293835776_o.jpgAll the Morgan family makes an appearance in this story. I could not love it more. Lauren captures and maintains each member’s unique relationship with Dax. We get to see it and bask in this family bond that only strengthens as the pages are turned.

Reed… what to say about Reed. This broken man who at one point when talking with Dax had me feeling his yearning. I’m not sure if Lauren meant it to be there or not, but I felt like Reed yearned for so much. I can’t divulge further unless you want spoilers and that wouldn’t be cool. I do hope if the muses speak, we will get a story for Reed.

Overall this book had things I loved, things I wasn’t fond of, and so much more in between. You may wonder why 5 stars if there was stuff I didn’t love. Well, here it is. Even though parts weren’t my fave it pulled emotion from me. When an author can give me an emotion from the words bleeding through the pages and I feel it so strongly, that is a testament to their writing and how passionately I felt the words. That is what makes a phenomenal author to me. When I can feel so strongly about fictional people that even if I disliked something I love that I disliked it so ferociously.

5 Star

With all that said I recommend this read to anyone that loves rockstar romances. Every moment in this story will have you feeling SOMETHING! And that, that is magical.

Check out the AMAZING video Lauren had made from her lyrics in Rockstar!

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