I was able to attend two amazing signings in 2019. I am trying to catch up on my reviews but thought I would bring you some pictures of the signings I attended this year. They are my only two I’m attending but they were both so much fun and I had a blast.

Authors & Dancers Against Cancer

This signing I was very fortunate to help sponsor the dance recital the night before the signing. I was also asked to dance and really felt blessed. The organizers put on an AMAZING event, and the money raised goes to an organization that does amazing things, Dancers Against Cancer. I am looking forward to this signing next year. Here is a collage of all the wonderful pictures. Some are authors, some are friends, and everything in between.

Rockin’ Romance Readers

I was fortunate enough to win a ticket to this event. My mom was able to come with me and take in all the fun of a signing. We met a friend from the book community up there and had a blast. I saw some fellow authors from the ADAC signing and met a ton of new ones. Here are a collection of pictures from this fantastic event. I cannot wait to attend next year.

I think one of the best things for me as a blogger, is coming into my signature look. I have a shirt, tutu, and shoes I wear especially for my signings. I can go en pointe but also be easily recognizable. Honest moment, I’m always terrified of wearing my tutu and tights. I don’t know what it is, but I feel anxious and like I’d be embarrassed or made fun of. But, as soon as I get there I have so much fun, I forget I’m dressed in a tutu. I have been called tutu girl and absolutely love it! Makes me smile. I love this community and am enjoying my little blog.

To my followers thank you for sticking with me for the past year and a half of craziness. To the authors I work with and help spread the word about, thank you for your patience and support. Some of you I talk to daily, weekly, monthly, and sporadically. Either way just being kind means so much. I know we all go through things in life and it means the world to have the support and the friends I have in this community.

peace out girl scouts until next time


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