Where to begin with this review. I’m not even sure I can articulate all that this story captured. It definitely touched my mind and heart with its beautiful words, honest truths, and fantastic journey. Stories that have raw and realness to them always have special places in my heart. Pearl tackles hard topics that don’t go away overnight. While there is a HEA in this book, you will see that just because it is happy doesn’t mean that all the problems are solved. Eating disorders and body shaming is such a raw, real topic that isn’t always discussed. It should be. Also knowing what to say and not to say. These things played such a crucial role in Amara’s life in this story.

Amara is a beautiful woman and soul. She is genuine, guarded, and loves with her entire being. We learn so many truths about Amara in this story. Honest and ugly truths. What I love most is Pearl made her real! She took this flawed character and gave her a story of heartbreak, love, and growth. Did all her demons get slayed by the end, no, but she was overcoming them and focusing on the good. She is a strong, fierce woman. Probably one of my favorite females ever. There was so much Amara endures and works to overcome e. The bullying is real, the eating issues are raw, the body image is honest. Amara had to battle her inner demons in a way you felt down to your soul. Add in the bullies of the real world and this woman is stronger than she knows. I won’t spoil but Amara is fantastic. A character that you will cheer for, cry for (even though I didn’t but we all know I’m frosty and never cry), and support until the end of time.

Kenneth… let me tell you. I have a roller coaster of emotions about him. I wanted to junk punch him, root for him, and then smack him upside the head so hard the sense got knocked in him. He is definitely a flawed man. What we learn about Kenneth is even when the best intentions make logical sense in your head, they can have devastating impacts on those you love. He had a hard-fought battle to come back in my good graces. I believe Kenneth had to walk through hellfire to fully realize his potential with Amara. I know some readers might find the angst and drama that he deals with a bit over the top, but I felt it made the story more realistic. People make so many decisions and inadvertently hurt the ones they love sometimes. It’s not right or wrong, but it does create rifts and distance that has to be bridged. Kenneth definitely deserves to have his head smacked, but he only had the endgame of forever with Amara in mind.

Rachel… well I’ll save that for your judgment but the harpy spawn can take a long walk off a short pier. She is a good antagonist for both Amara and Kenneth. Dylan and Conner are perfect sidekicks. I was so excited when things played out for them the way it did. All the other friends Amara makes along the way are genuine and valuable to the story. They come in and just the right time and stay forever intertwined in Amara and Kenneth’s lives. Sloane is one friend that I kinda wanted to smack. She really had her moments where putting a foot in her mouth would be too easy a way out.


Pearl did a masterful job of writing a story that occurred over the years. The timeline was clearly placed in each chapter. The flow of the story was seamless and you didn’t feel lost or rushed. She executed that flawlessly in my mind. The plot moved well. It closed up all of the obstacles and questions you may have had when reading. It left me wanting more, but only because I fell in love with this world, characters, and story. The subplots had their arcs at the right time in the stories and fit in this puzzle perfectly. One thing that receives huge points for me is the cover plays into the story beautifully. The title, she worked her magic and when you find out how it fits it will all click and make sense.

I genuinely enjoyed this story and reading a new to me author. I would recommend this to readers because it is different from other stories out there. It’s quirky, lovable, and original. 5 twirling pointe shoes from this blogger. I hope that you will check it out.

5 Star

Grab the book here.