Time to turn back and make a u-turn to get this book. Bounty County boys are BACK! They are running code and making busts. Maren is an author I found last year and have fallen in love with her stories. Hubby has even enjoyed her tales of police adventures.


I was excited about Katie and Ryan’s story. I will admit it was different from the others. There is a lot of steamy moments in this story. If you thought the section in book 1 was intense, it’s got nothing on Ryan and Katie’s romance.
For me this felt like a go between in the series. I’m not saying it was bad, but it was predominantly steamy scenes, and there were others in this series, for me, I enjoyed a lot more. I do think the title was perfect for the story. Ryan had to make a U-turn in life to bring Katie along for the ride.


Ryan has messed up a lot in life. Divorced, with kids, he doesn’t think he wants a happily ever after or relationship again. Katie changes all of that. Overall Ryan was a good character. His personality fit for his age, and Maren portrayed the older man very well. He wasn’t my favorite Bounty County boy though (team Wesson). I’m not sure what it was, but maybe some of his responses left me wanting to flip him off. Or beat him with a frying pan. One thing I did enjoy was how his relationship with his ex-wife and kids was captured. It felt very realistic and you could understand the journey he went through, mistakes he made, and growth as a person.

Katie was a fun-loving girl to read about. She definitely knew what she wanted sexually. I loved how passionate she was about her life goals too. I did think her younger age showed in her relationship logic. When she finally got her head on straight about her and Ryan, it was fantastic. The way she defended it with a ferocity like no other, and also how she developed her role with Ryan’s kids warmed my heart.


There was one person in this story, that I really didn’t like. If you read it, you’ll know who it is right away. Doctor Dickrot could have rotted in a cell or dirt and I probably wouldn’t feel remorse. I did LOVE how Ryan was there the moment Katie needed him to be with this situation. It was support like no other, and you would want your life partner to be that way with you.

The ending didn’t surprise me and it is kind of why I feel this is a go between book. To me, it was a close the loop for two characters that we love, who wandered into this series. Overall this story was enjoyable and I’m interested in what will happen next. Our faves were back to only add to the comic relief. Love me some Wesson.

This blogger gives it 4.5 pointe shoes for all the reasons above.

Untitled 3.001

Go find Maren Lee here:
Maren Lee Website

While there be sure to check out the extended epilogue on her blog!

Grab the book: