The fourth installment in this series just released on the 8th. I devoured it in one sitting. I was so excited to see how it would all play out. There was no disappointment from my reader perspective as we read about Lara being a true mate to Liam. I thought Lara was the best female character yet (Cady being a close second for me). How Alicia wrote her feelings, emotions, magic, dreams, and personality was magical. You felt like you were her trying to make the decision. As I said in my review, Liam had me yelling at him. I think it takes talent to bring out that feeling for a male character. This Alpha had me wanting to beat his head with a frying pan to say “are you crazy do something”.
Lara’s Mom, Vivianne, is the best Mom ever. She knew her daughter well and I was smirking and laughing when she would nonchalantly ask how her daughter was. Jade is another character that I am glad we got to know. I cannot wait for her story, and feel it will be a moving one because of how Alicia wrote her personality.

It was enjoyable to watch Lara’s powers grow and for her to overcome so much that I felt was holding her back. She took a leap for what she wanted and it opened a future for her she could only dream of. The battle isn’t over and the clan still combats Stefan and his mages against the darkness. There are enemies that weren’t expected and they have to seek help where they never thought they would. I am very interested to see how the final battle will play out and if anyone will not make it out alive. I also have a HUGE suspicion about the Lycan High Council. I may be wrong, and will keep that theory to myself until the full story unfolds and the mages are defeated.
By now you know the drill, this has been my fourth installment for Alicia’s works and I’m on pins and needles for the next one (read the sneak peak). ALSO – get the freebies she offers. Sign up for that newsletter and read deleted scenes from this story and the previous three. Also there are Christmas stories for the previous couples, since we are past Christmas, I think we need a spring story for Lara and Liam (*cough*cough* lol). Review is below as well as links to find Alicia and the book.

The fourth in this series does not disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Lara and Liam figure out that they are destined to be together.
Lara we got to meet in book three but I really enjoyed getting to know her character more. She’s sneaky and in a guarding her heart kind of way. She didn’t want to let on what she knew about her and Liam. She has an uphill battle I feel internally and with Liam. She had so many fears and reservations to overcome.
Liam I thought was a butt sometimes in this story. Alicia wrote him well as sometimes I was screaming ‘you idiot’! When he finally took a stand and gave a chance to what he and Lara have it made my heart melt.
Jade’s personality made perfect sense as being a friend to Lara. They fit together so well and I felt were bringing out the best in each other.
Lara’s Mom was hysterical. I loved her. Again all the old characters are back as we get to watch them on this journey.
The battle is only getting worse and Stefan and the mages are coming with full force. Alicia did an excellent job of describing Lara’s feelings and what she saw with the magic. It gave me the willies. While this can be read as a standalone I highly recommend the whole series.

Find Alicia here:


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