by Mary | Aug 1, 2018 | Book Reviews
This is Kristen Granata’s second story and the conclusion to Merritt and Chase. If you missed it, you can check out my review of Collision, the first in the two-part story, here. This story blew me away. I knew Kristen was going to make waves and this blogger...
by Mary | Jul 25, 2018 | Book Reviews
This is S.J.’s second release and it was just as thrilling to read as the first. It is about a group of people in their late 20’s who overcome things in life and learn that even when you make plans, the path is always changing. I devoured this book as...
by Mary | Jul 23, 2018 | Book Reviews
This story is my first by Ria Dimitra. It falls in the supernatural angel category for me. But, it is unlike any other angel story I’ve read. I love these types of reads and was so excited when Ria reached out to me. I read this one on vacation and have finally...
by Mary | Jul 19, 2018 | Book Reviews
I’m back in Roughneck territory. Chelsea brought us back to Texas, where everything is sweeter. This is a super short read, I read it on lunch break. One thing I always love about Chelsea’s stories is the men are real. They work real jobs and are just...
by Mary | Jul 17, 2018 | Book Reviews
I feel like every book I read of Ryan’s I say is my favorite, but this one… HOLY GUACAMOLE! I cannot say enough about this story. I’m going to try and recap with no spoilers. It might be a short review because there are a lot of surprises and special moments in...