Okay so I recently put up in a previous post about my FLOVE of CM Owens and her Sterling Shore series. I was doing a reread for no other reason than I love the stories and once I finished I dove in to Worth It. This story had me laughing at every turn. At one point I was reading during snuggle time and DIED silently with laughter (SILENCE) 😂 as LM looks up and says “Mommy what’s so funny?” I couldn’t tell him I was dying from the laughter over the dommes. LMAO at 5 that would create more questions than I’m prepared for. While the story was entertaining I did have a loss of one key point in my opinion. I so desperately wanted to know about Lydia! Come on the 🎤, it just left it there and I was like WHAT????
That said here is my review:
Okay so I’m rounding up but I just have one huge complaint, what about Lydia!?!?!?! I mean she’s there too what happens to her in the end with anything. I felt like she became the third wheel forgotten friend.
That said…this book had me laughing HYSTERICALLY so. I couldn’t keep a straight face if I tried reading this. It was typical CM style with lots of antics and comedy. This is the first I’ve ever read with SM Shade but enjoyed the story.
Kasha is hilarious but has this vulnerability that you don’t see. I loved how Roman had her pegged (no wait that was Davis and Hen pegging 😂😂) and called her out on everything.
Henley and Davis were just as hysterical but warmed my insides with their rekindled love story. The proposal will go down in history.
But what about Lydia? She found Karma on her side and I loved her bits and pieces she played in the story but we don’t know where she ended up other than the third in a trio of bff’s.
Overall this was a fantastic read and so worth the wait until I could read it in one sitting. I even texted my friend in the middle and said you have to read this!
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Find SM Shade here:
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