Sterling Shore is back! If you’ve never met CM Owens and the world of Sterling Shore, check out my previous blog post for my POV on the series. This is the newest, 10th, in line for the series. It’s Dale’s turn at being sucker punched 👊🏼 and he is left with more than a sore jaw. In typical CM fashion, you will laugh at points, get emotional at others, and want to smack the Sterling boys upside the head all over again. So, some CM questions I have that will hopefully not spoil it for everyone; what happened to Ember? Does this mean she gets a story? Kode…..nuff said…..well, in the famous Nike words, Just Do It!
Tria I thought at the time was my favorite character. She just had this thing about her that I can’t put my finger on, but made me love her as a leading lady in SS. Then Harley comes along and my inner geek was waiving it’s SM broach saying “she’s the one”. Needless to say, she wormed her way into my geek heart as a wonderful well rounded character with so many layers that you couldn’t wait to discover them all.

Okay so who needs sleep on release day….not I. I was so excited to be back in Sterling Shore and the fabulous world created by this author. That said I don’t know what she was trying to do me. It is an emotional journey and had so much depth in areas that if your a geek will have you nodding sympathetically.
Dale – he’s the one we knew the least about. I was so interested to where CM was going to take him as a character. She still kept true to his behavior from past stories but gave him the crazy fool moments after he was sucker punched. He had to hit rock bottom to realize what made him the better version of himself.
Harley – is every geek girl out there. And OMG I just wanted to reach in my kindle at every point to be there for her. I loved how she and Britt bonded in a way that was so realistic and relatable.
The gang is all there and it’s great to see the blended group in such a way that makes the family what they are.
I cannot wait to see what’s in store for the next in the series!

You know the drill, stalk CM here:
(I stalk her on IG and Twitter 😉😆, it’s a 💜 stalk though, nothing scary…..I promise LOL)

Grab the book here: