This is S.J.’s second release and it was just as thrilling to read as the first. It is about a group of people in their late 20’s who overcome things in life and learn that even when you make plans, the path is always changing. I devoured this book as quickly as I read the first one by S.J., she is becoming a favorite author of mine and I can’t wait to see what she writes next.
Cammie is our lead female and she is just going through the motions of life and not living them. As you turn the pages, you really get to see her overcome her loss and learn to live again. Once you get to know Cammie, you see this bright, fresh, vibrant young woman. She is self-sufficient, strong, yet vulnerable to the matters of the heart. I don’t know how to convey how much I fell in love with her and the dialogue S.J. gave her internally. It made me laugh, and feel for her.
Luke was hilarious! I laughed so much with the things he did to help Cammie live again. Sure the guy had ulterior motives, but he helped her find her sense of life and pushed her to find her happiness again. I think in doing so, it helped him overcome the dark that was spilling into his own life. Luke has some secrets in this story, and it will make the Marine have to fight for a second chance. How he comes back had me smiling from ear to ear.
The supporting characters JoJo and Ryan added in on the fun, support, and love this group of friends had. What I enjoyed is how these people came together to make their family. They weren’t blood-related but had a bond that held steadfast. It’s like the blue family. I know wives all over the country because we are bonded by this greater strength and tether. JoJo and Ryan were like that for Cammie and Luke. They had this bond that would always bring them together as a family forever. JoJo and Ryan had me laughing just as much as Luke did. They helped Cammie come back to life and just experience all the wonders and bad dates the world can offer.
While there was a lot of humor in the story, which I enjoyed, there is also a lot of heart. Both Luke and Cammie make mistakes and second chances come in to play. They both have to fix their own messes before they can fix the one they made together. I don’t want to spoil all that there is but the touching parts of this story were blended smoothly in with the humor. I could read this book again and again. It was so much fun to read, and enjoyable.
S.J. has a fantastic way of writing and pulling you into her world. You feel like you are right along with the characters telling them to run, or jump. I never felt the story slow down or drag, it kept momentum and built to a beautiful ending. This blogger gives it 5 Pointe shoes because of all the reasons said above. I HIGHLY recommend this book. It is a must read!
Find S.J. Sylvis here. But in all seriousness go follow her IG here, it’s awesome!